What walks, talks, and other nature-related events are coming up in Novato and North Marin in April? Read below for our upcoming events (free, but advanced registration required) as well as our monthly compilation of local guided walks and nature-related events sponsored by other groups.
Want advance notice of upcoming events?
Nature in Novato events are posted over the course of each month. Near the beginning of each month, they are listed in the Wild Birds Unlimited email newsletter, at which point most events fill up within a day or two. If you would like to beat the bird store crowd to the punch, you can subscribe to Nature in Novato and receive an email notice whenever a new post is published, including this monthly event summary, which goes out out a few days before the bird store newsletter. Just type your email address below! (All contact information is completely private and will not be used for any commercial purposes; unsubscribing is easy.)
Our Nature in Novato/Wild Birds Unlimited events are free of charge, but are limited to small groups for the best possible experience; please click through to each event to reserve your space.

Nature in Novato Events

Monday, 4/8: Bird Walk at China Camp
Join Jack and Don for a bird walk at China Camp State Park. We’ll be practicing our birding by ear with lots of morning bird song while we enjoy the sights and sounds of a spring day in the woods. Flowers in the meadows, swallows before the bay, and a rare weekday excursion for quiet, peaceful trails. Except for the innumerable orange-crowned warblers, irrepressible warbling vireos, and musically raucous purple finches we plan on encountering.
For more program details and to reserve your spot, see the event page here.
Sunday, 4/14: Bird Walk at Indian Valley
Join Jack for this walk at Novato’s Indian Valley Open Space Preserve. This is another walk focused on woodland birding by ear: we’ll be in a small group, starting early, and yes, we’ll be spending some time listening to things we cannot see. But maybe we’ll get lucky and spot a pileated woodpecker or a freshly arrived black-throated gray warbler? You never know what you’ll find in spring.
For more program details and to reserve your spot, see the event page here.

Saturday, 4/27: Birdsong Seminar at Wild Birds Unlimited
In this in-store seminar, we’ll introduce you to the most common songs and other vocalizations heard from our backyard birds. We’ll teach you why birds sing, which birds sing, and when they sing. Most importantly, we’ll give you the tools and techniques to both remember these bird sounds and learn others in the future. Note that this is a repeat of the March seminar. Because birdsong is very important.
For full details and to reserve your spot, visit the event page here.
Other Upcoming Nature Events
The two most active other groups that regularly offer free public bird walks in our area are Marin Audubon Society and Marin County Parks. Check their calendars for additional scheduled events in other parts of the county; Novato and San Rafael-based activities are listed below.
April 3: Birds at Olompali State Historic Park, Marin Audubon. Read our profile of Olompali.
April 3: Public informational meeting on upcoming Bel Marin Keys Wetland Restoration, Hamilton Community Center.
April 4: Birds at Las Gallinas Ponds, San Rafael, Marin Audubon. Read our profile of Las Gallinas.
April 4: Birds at Olompali State Historic Park, The Olompali People. Read our profile of Olompali.
April 7: Wildlife and Wildflowers at Deer Island, Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Deer Island.

April 11: Birds at Pacheco Pond, Marin Audubon. Read our profile of Pacheco Pond.
April 14: Flowers at Mount Burdell, Marin Open Space.
April 23: Blossoms and Birds at Loma Alta Fire Road, San Rafael, Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Loma Alta, lazuli bunting hotspot.
April 25: Senior Stroll at Rush Creek, Bahia entrance, Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Rush Creek.
April 27: Wildflowers at Mount Burdell, Marin Conservation League.
April 28: Birdsong at Mount Burdell, Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Mount Burdell.
Header photo: Mockingbird by Allan Hack. Few birds say “birdsong season” like a mockingbird. If a lonely mocker sings through the night and disturbs your gentle repose with an uncharacteristic antipathy towards birds stirring in your heart, I encourage you to review Whitman’s “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking.” Reasonably ornithologically accurate and such a melodious title.
This is terrific & most helpful – thanks, Jack!
I concur with Chris! Thank you!