What walks, talks, and other nature-related events are coming up in Novato and North Marin in June? Read below for our upcoming events (free, but advanced registration required) as well as our monthly compilation of local guided walks and nature-related events sponsored by other groups.
Want advance notice of upcoming events?
Nature in Novato events are posted over the course of each month. Near the beginning of each month, they are listed in the Wild Birds Unlimited email newsletter, at which point most events fill up within a day or two. If you would like to beat the bird store crowd to the punch, you can subscribe to Nature in Novato and receive an email notice whenever a new post is published, including this monthly event summary, which goes out out a few days before the bird store newsletter. Just type your email address below! (All contact information is completely private and will not be used for any commercial purposes; unsubscribing is easy.)SUBSCRIBE TO NATURE IN NOVATO
Our Nature in Novato/Wild Birds Unlimited events are free of charge, but are limited to small groups for the best possible experience; please click through to each event to reserve your space.

Nature in Novato Events

Wednesday, 6/5: Raptors of Marin
Presentation at Novato Library
In this evening presentation at the Novato Library, we’ll give a tour of essentially all of our local raptors, covering around 20 species of hawk, falcon, eagle, as well as our most notable owls. We’ll teach you how to identify the familiar species with confidence and where to find the less common birds.
For full details, visit the event page here (no registration required).
Sunday, 6/9: Mount Burdell Bird Walk

Join guest leader Heather Cameron and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for a walk on Mount Burdell. We’ll be listening to birdsong and looking for young birds from all the summer breeders, including Bullock’s orioles, lark and chipping sparrows, lazuli buntings, and various swallows and flycatchers.
For full details and to reserve your spot, visit the event page here.
Saturday, 6/22: Birding Northeast Marin

Presentation at Wild Birds Unlimited
In this in-store talk, we’ll provide a broad overview of the birds our home territory has to offer, interspersed with myriad little tips of astoundingly helpful specificity. If you’d like to see more birds in your everyday life, discover under-the-radar local hotspots, or generally understand the place where you live, this is the talk for you!
For full details and to reserve your spot, visit the event page here.

Other Upcoming Nature Events
The two most active other groups that regularly offer free public bird walks in our area are Marin Audubon Society and Marin County Parks. Check their calendars for additional scheduled events in other parts of the county; Novato and San Rafael-based activities are listed below.June 6: Butterflies of Marin, presentation at Civic Center Library, San Rafael, Marin Open Space.
June 15: Big Rock/Loma Alta Fire Road and Las Gallinas Ponds, Marin Audubon. Read our profiles of the Loma Alta Fire Road and Las Gallinas.
June 19: Deer Island stroll, ranger walk with Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Deer Island.
June 23: Summertime at Indian Valley, naturalist walk with Marin Open Space. Read our profile of Indian Valley.
Header photo: Red-shouldered hawk by Susie Kelly.