There is a halo round your home, a wreath of singing scarlet.
A Chime in the Shadows: The Varied Thrush

The ferns drip with cold water, the moss glows, and invisible dissonances ring out in the redwood-tethered fog…
The Enchanter & the Hermit Thrush

It’s one big poetry anthology as we hover on the threshold of spring, regard the hermit thrushes of winter infiltrating our yards, and ponder the incipient season of song.
The Ringing Voice, the Wings that Burn: Flickers

“The red-shafted flicker is so well known… that any detailed description of its plumage or habits seems superfluous.” So it should be.
A Tour of the Ducks

Take a tour of all our local ducks, from the sleepy diver to the ladybird cracker.
Wild Pigeons: The Living Wind

The band-tailed pigeon still flies wild, still seeks the trees it has always sought, still passes in freedom over the not-quite-tamed west.
The Harlequin Carpenters: Acorn Woodpeckers

It is his life work to enshrine all the acorns, one by one, in appropriate wooden niches. This is his bounden duty, his meat and drink, his religion, and his destiny.