The sequel is here! Jack Gedney, Nature in Novato author and co-owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Novato, is the author of The Birds in the Oaks: Secret Voices of the Western Woods.
The Private Lives of Public Birds

The book is here! Jack Gedney, Nature in Novato author and co-owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Novato, is the author of The Private Lives of Public Birds: Learning to Listen to Birds Where We Live.
Illustrious Birdfeeders #1: Aldo Leopold & A Conservation Esthetic

It’s time to get philosophical in the first entry of my new series on illustrious practitioners of that most local of nature-appreciation exercises: birdfeeding. First up is Aldo Leopold, father of American wildlife conservation.
How to Use Binoculars

The single greatest tool I know of to enhance nature perception is a pair of binoculars. Today I want to get more of our community’s extant binoculars into active use by explaining how to use these things properly, how to avoid common errors and frustrations, and how to tell if a pair of binoculars needs repair or replacement.