Join guest expert David Herlocker and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this winter bird walk at Stafford Lake.
bird walk
Binocular Workshop at Stafford Lake

Join guest expert Mike Freiberg of Nikon Sports Optics and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this in-the-field intro to binoculars for birding and nature viewing.
Indian Valley Bird Walk

Join Jack for this walk at Novato’s Indian Valley Open Space Preserve. Our group is small, our scheduling is opportune, and our waking time is fairly early – we’re out to hear some spring bird song!
Las Gallinas Ponds Bird Walk

Join young birder Mark Schulist and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this trip to San Rafael’s Las Gallinas Ponds. We’ll see a wide variety of ducks, waterbirds, raptors and more on this easy, level walk.
Las Gallinas Ponds Bird Walk

Join young birder Mark Schulist and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this trip to San Rafael’s Las Gallinas Ponds. We’ll see a wide variety of ducks, waterbirds, raptors and more on this easy, level walk.
Pacheco Pond Bird Walk

Join Jack and Tacy from Wild Birds Unlimited for this walk at Novato’s Pacheco Pond. We’ll see a wide variety of ducks, waterbirds, raptors and more on this short and easy Friday walk.
Deer Island Bird Walk

Join longtime Marin County Parks naturalist David Herlocker and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this walk at Novato’s Deer Island. We’ll bid farewell to the winter songbirds and waterfowl before they go!
Olompali Bird Walk

Join guest leader Rich Cimino of Yellowbilled Tours and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited on this bird walk at Olompali State Historic Park on the north side of Novato. We’ll […]
Olompali Bird Walk

Join guest leader Rich Cimino of Yellowbilled Tours and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited on this bird walk at Olompali State Historic Park on the north side of Novato. We’ll pass briefly through the historic garden areas to reach a ~2.5 mile loop trail through mixed woodland where we’ll look for a variety of fall songbirds, raptors, and other species.
Olompali Bird Walk

Join Rich Cimino from Yellowbilled Tours and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for an easy walk around the historic gardens and neighboring woodlands of Olompali.