Join Jack for this walk at Novato’s Indian Valley Open Space Preserve. These mostly shaded trails on the north side of Big Rock Ridge provide homes for a wide variety of woodland songbirds. More open areas host ash-throated flycatchers, blue-gray gnatcatchers, and western bluebirds, while the more densely wooded sections contain Wilson’s warblers, pacific-slope flycatchers, and a few pileated woodpeckers.
bird walk
Loma Alta Bird Walk

Join Jack and Don from Wild Birds Unlimited for a spring walk on the Loma Alta Fire Road. This trail heads south from Lucas Valley Road over wildflower-covered grasslands dotted with groves of oaks and rocky outcroppings, a unique habitat type that hosts a number of special birds. We’ll be looking in particular for lazuli buntings, lark and grasshopper sparrows, meadowlarks, and possible horned larks, as well as enjoying the birdsong from a variety of other spring songbirds.
Deer Island Bird Walk

Join Jack for this walk at Novato’s Deer Island Open Space Preserve. This wooded hill rising above seasonal wetlands offers a wide variety of spring songbirds. We’ll look and listen for ash-throated flycatchers, purple finches, nuthatches, wrens, and a variety of woodpeckers. Meanwhile, the surrounding open areas attract raptors and our various summer swallow species.
Deer Island Bird Walk

Join Jack and Corrina for a gentle walk around this Novato preserve as we say farewell to many of our winter visitors.
San Rafael Bay Trail Bird Walk

Join Rich Cimino and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this walk along the San Rafael bayshore. We’ll look for shorebirds, ducks, grebes, and gulls on this level, easy walk.
Loch Lomond Bird Walk

Join leaders Jack and Angela from Wild Birds Unlimited for this easy walk at the Loch Lomond Marina. We’ll look for rocky shoreline species like turnstones, spotted sandpipers, and oystercatchers as well as a variety of ducks and other waterbirds.
Bahia Lagoon Bird Walk

Join Heather Cameron and Jack from Nature in Novato for this two-part walk in northern Novato’s Bahia area: a main course at the goldeneye hotspot, with a side of hawks and assorted waterbirds, finishing with a dash of woodland songbirds for dessert.
Loch Lomond Bird Walk

Join leaders Jack and Angela from Wild Birds Unlimited for this easy walk at the Loch Lomond Marina. We’ll look for rocky shoreline species like turnstones, spotted sandpipers, and oystercatchers as well as a variety of ducks and other waterbirds.
San Rafael Bay Trail Bird Walk

Join Rich Cimino and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this walk along the San Rafael bayshore. We’ll look for shorebirds, ducks, grebes, and gulls on this level, easy walk.
Bahia Lagoon Bird Walk

Join Heather Cameron and Jack from Wild Birds Unlimited for this two-part walk in northern Novato’s Bahia area: goldeneye hotspot, hawks and waterbirds, and a dash of woodland songbirds for dessert.