Growing daylength is the primary trigger for birds’ nesting and the migration that might precede it. But for the great horned owls, it is the longer nightlength that awakens their haunting winter music.
Raptor Seminar

In this in-store presentation, we’ll give a tour of essentially all our local raptors: 18 species of hawk, falcon, eagle, and other daytime birds of prey. We’ll teach you how to identify the familiar species with confidence and where to find the less common birds.
Raptor Seminar

In this in-store presentation, we’ll give a tour of essentially all our local raptors: 18 species of hawk, falcon, eagle, and other daytime birds of prey. We’ll teach you how to identify the familiar species with confidence and where to find the less common birds.
Raptors of Marin at Novato Library

In this presentation at the Novato library, we’ll give a tour of essentially all our local raptors, covering around 20 species of hawk, falcon, eagle, as well as our most notable owls. We’ll teach you how to identify the familiar species with confidence and where to find the less common birds.